New YouTube Channel!

Watch this live interview above or click the link below to be directed to Darlena Watson with Watson Design's YouTube channel.

  • 1/3 Profile


    You are looking for Truth. You are curious by nature and you investigate that which you want the truth about or are curious about through your experiences. You do not like to substitute anyone else's judgement for your own. You are looking for the Truth according to YOU!

  • 2/5 Profile


    This harmonious profile enjoys being alone and uses that time in reflection and growth. Inevitably called out by the Projection Field, this person teaches Universal Truths and shares with others based on what the chart suggests is theirs to transmit. If you have a 5 in your profile, a reading is a necessity!

  • 4/6

    Opportunist/Role Model

    Primarily experimenting in relationships, this tri-phasic profile is all about experimentation. In the first and second phase, gathering information, the 4/6 craves relationships with others but must also navigate a need for alone time. There's a conflict within to structure the need for both. By the third phase, the 4/6 becomes a role model for do's and don'ts of relationship interactions. Book a reading to learn more.

Is it time for you to take control?

Are you ready to stop living a reactionary life? Are you tired of simply fighting off the attacks that come your way each day? Living a creative life means you CREATE what each day holds for you. Your responses, reactions and behaviors are carefully chosen. We aren't meant to just survive.....we are meant to thrive! Roll up your sleeves, it's time to get to work building the life of your choice. I'll help you. My sleeves are already rolled!

Sign-up for a Reading
  • Manifestors

    This HD type make up less than 9% of the world's population. This rare type is a powerhouse and is the only type that can initiate life. Informing is paramount for the peace this type craves. If you are a Manifestor, there's a strong possibility you need to get to know yourself. You probably feel like you don't fit this world. With good don't! You aren't meant to. You are meant to make waves. There's more. So much more......

  • Projectors

    Projectors make up 20% of the population. Are you managing and directing others? Can you see what needs to happen in order for other people to have an eaiser life? Like an orchestra's Conductor, the projector makes the whole band play harmoniously. Key to the projector's success is waiting for the invitation to guide. Don't wait and meet a whole lot of resistance from those you are trying to direct. Your energy must be protected....

  • Generators

    Mastery through repitition is the goal of this type that makes up 35% of the population. Generators are geared to work and renew nightly when in Design. Frustration and quitting are tell-tale signs that all is not well for a Generator. If you are not burning out your "battery", you are risking your happiness. Responding to the right things is easy to navigate when you harness the power of the Sacral Center. Life can get a whole lot easier when you understand your process.