Human Design Body Graph
What is a body Graph? A Human Design Body Graph is your chart. It contains all the information that is unique to you. This is the chart I review before your reading.
The HD Body Graph is the visual representation of your HD Chart. The Graph or Chart representation below shows the 9 centers. During an official reading your chart will be more detailed and represents your active gates and channels as well as many other Human Design aspects.
*We all have ALL of the chart. When aspects are defined, we have a consistent way of engaging with that energy vs. an inconsistent response to the energy.
Facts & Information
What are Gates?
There are 64 Gates in every Human Design chart. They can be found in the space between centers. They are numbered. There are 32 Channels in the Chart. You will either have the aspsects open or defined. You may have aspects that show up doubled in their definition. This just means it is a strong energy in your chart. Not every person has the same number of gates and channels defined. Some have more that are open and are inconsistent opportunities for wisdom. When two gates are active and complete a full channel from one center to the other, it Defines the center by completing the channel between the two centers. Definition in a chart = consistent access to the energy of what is defined.
What are the numbers on my chart?
Every chart has a total of 26 possible gates. 28 when a Specialist includes Chiron placements. These numbers are listed in red and black down the sides of your chart. Some numbers may be doubled, tripled or even quadrupled. When this happens you have less than 26 DIFFERENT numbers. The ones that show up more than once are energies that are more concentrated in your chart and need to be acknowledged. Additionally, each of those numbers is aligned with a planetary placement. That placement determines how the gate "plays out" in your chart.
Can HD help me understand myself more?
HD helps you understand yourself more by allowing you to take a deep, deep look at your wiring. We are all familiar with personality profiling. HD takes this to a whole new level. Every center, gate, channel, and placement differentiates your personality and subconscious wiring. Add those differentials with your specific Type and Authority and you have a road map of how you are wired. Conditioning impacts your wiring and can keep you from your Design. Knowing your Design allows you to do away with conditioning.
What is conditioning?
We are all born as blank slates with a particular chart. That chart is not clouded at birth. This is the Nature vs. Nurture argument. As soon as you are born, external interactions begin to alter your personality. None of this is intentional. It just happens. Who your parents are and how they interact with you conditions you. Society conditions you. Order in the family conditions you. Interactions in relationships condition you. And so on. When we live unconsciously, simply reacting to life, we are living a conditioned life. With HD, we can become creators who no longer simply react BUT choose our responses to life. The addition of understanding who we were Designed to allow us to create a response that is empowered rather than automatically generated by conditioning. It can take years to completely decondition. The level to which we are conditioned will surprise you.
Are you ready to generate your Human Design Body Graph?
Follow the link below to be re-directed to Genetic Martrix's Free Body Graph generator.